Evaluating diagnostics; Introducing evidence-based measures to an unregulated world


TDRnews Issue 83 June 2009

Rapid diagnostic tests (RDTs) are an invaluable way to quickly and cheaply diagnose diseases in developing countries, where facilities to carry out traditional laboratory diagnosis may be few and far between. The tremendous growth in RDT products and the lack of regulatory oversight in developing countries have led to a proliferation of low-quality products, as well as uniformed or inappropriate use……This TDRnews special report examines the rapid diagnostics landscape – what has been achieved and what challenges lie ahead For more>>

Public health initiative involves rural entrepreneurs: TDR evaluates free antimalarial distribution through CFW franchises

TDRnews May 2008

In central Kenya, where water-sodden rice fields thick with mosquitoes make malaria a daily fact of life, a new and innovative model of small franchise health clinics and drug distribution shops is offering poor people new possibilities to access good quality drugs and treatments at affordable prices. For more>>

COVER STORY The hunt for the next artemisinin: African researchers screen herbal remedies for drug discovery leads

TDRnews December 2007

Drugs derived from the ancient Chinese herb Artemisia annua may today be the most powerful weapon in the global war against malaria, but scientists are searching urgently for new drugs, given the possibility that, sooner or later, resistance to artemisinin may develop. For more>>